29e Jul 2022
Vanaf maandag 01-08-2022 09:00 tot 03-08-2022 kunnen onze diensten en website tijdelijk slecht bereikbaar zijn. Dit is omdat wij dan een aantal grote upgrades uitvoeren aan onze infrastructuur.
Wat deze upgrades precies inhouden zullen we op een later moment nog bekendmaken!
10e Mar 2021
NS 1 Down until further notice
Hi there,
This morning we got an E-Mail from our Cloud provider that there has been a fire in their datacenter.
This also means that all of the services from that datacenter are down. in our case NS1
This means that of the nameservers we have the primary one is offline unitl further notice.
All of the traffic that is supposed to go over ns1 ...
31e Jan 2021
Updates to our platform
Hi everyone,
In the coming weeks we will enable a couple of new features and functions. This will not have an effect on uptime but will have an effect on Quality of life, support, Pricing and your statisfaction!
The details of these updates will be announced via this way and our social media platforms.
Stay safe!
3e Apr 2020
COVID-19 & PayPal Payment method changes
First of all, We sincerely hope that everyone is okay and safe!
We here at anyflare have taken some measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, We all work from home and customer visits have been cancelled until further notice. But we are not the only one in this company that are affected by this. So are you, Our customers. For you we have also ...